I'm a student interested in studying abroad in Israel. How safe is it?
How safe is it to study abroad in Israel? In light of recent events, I have seen many people asking if going to specific areas in Israel is safe. When I was getting ready to study abroad in Israel back in 2014, I asked myself the same question. The Israel-Gaza Conflict had erupted. My friends had friends that were directly impacted in areas like Ashkelon. I was scared so I pushed back my program and decided to go in January the next year. Even when the conflict had quelled I was hesitant and remember being scared. But after deep deliberation, I decided to go. I didn't know what to expect. I'm not Jewish, I'm not Palestinian. I'm a Mexican-American that grew up in So Cal so what did I know. Even though I had taken courses on Israel, the conflicts, and religion I wasn't prepared. Books and reality are two different things. Books offer the convenience of comfort. At the Jerusalem Municipality When I finally got to Jerusalem I realized there was nothing to b...